How does IsMySwitchPatched Work?

Step-by-step guide

Do you want to know if your Nintendo Switch console is patched or unpatched? Here's how to use IsMySwitchPatched to find out.

1 - Have the Switch Serial Number ready

You'll need the serial number of your console to proceed.

If you don't know how to find it, check out our guide.

2 - Select Your Switch Serial Number Prefix

Switch Prefix Selection

From the options provided, choose the prefix that matches the first four letters of your serial number.

3 - Input the Next Six Digits of Your Serial Number

Switch Serial Number Digits Input

Enter the remaining digits of your serial number as prompted.

4 - Check the results

IsMySwitchPatched will provide one of three possible results based on your serial number:

  • a red box indicating that your console is definitely patched
  • an orange box indicating that your console might be patched
  • a green box indicating that your console is not patched

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